Is “Long COVID” a Lie? Dr. Nicole Saphier Joins the Guy Benson Show to discuss…

Dr. Nicole Saphier, Board Certified Medical Doctor, Senior Fox News Medical Contributor & bestselling author Panic Attack: Playing Politics with Science in the Fight Against COVID-19, joined the Guy Benson Show to discuss the new bombshell report saying that “Long COVID” might just be more government fearmongering. Benson and Saphier also discussed the conspiracy surrounding Fauci and an alleged visit to the CIA during the COVID pandemic. Listen to the full interview below:

Full interview:

Dr. Saphier had this to say on the conspiracy of “Long COVID”

You started seeing a lot of media headlines saying, okay, well, COVID infection may be mild, but you’re still at high risk for long COVID. And it was, in my opinion, a way to continue to perpetuate that fear, to be instilled in people, to have them comply with masking vaccination boosting and so forth. But when you really we really look at the data that comes from long COVID… the data are heavily flawed.”