Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR): Democrat Views on Iran are “Distorted and Counterproductive”

Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Arkansas), member of the Armed Services, Judiciary & Intelligence committees. and author of Only The Strong: Reversing The Left’s Plot to Sabotage American Power, joined the Guy Benson Show to discuss the latest bombshell report alleging the Obama and Biden administration’s being influenced by Iranian money. Benson and Cotton also discuss the call from many Democrats for Sen. Bob Menendez to resign and why Cotton supports Menendez’s right not to step down. Listen to the full interview below:

Full Interview


Sen. Tom Cotton had this to say on Sen. Menendez:

“For 44 years (Iran) has been chanting death to America and had state sponsored terrorism… The defacto position of the democratic party has been that America is to blame for the tensions between the US and Iran… It is a distorted and counterproductive worldview… and we shouldn’t be surprised that it is the view of Democratic operatives.”