Paw Patrol Goes R-Rated?!

Paw Patrol snacks were pulled off the shelves at a UK supermarket chain and it had nothing to do with the food itself, but rather the packaging…

I’m Tomi Lahren, find out next!

A supermarket chain across the pond in the UK has issued a recall of Paw-Patrol branded snacks after discovering this little snack-sized pouches of biscuits and bars included a new kind of special prize on the packaging- a porn site.

Apparently if you type in the URL listed on the back of the packaging, it will redirect you to a white screen with Chinese writing but if you access the site from a mobile device, it loads porn pop-up ads.

Now this special surprise is so far limited to this UK-based grocery store chain and don’t bother trying to find those snacks stateside as I’m sure Hunter Biden has cleared the shelves.

I’m glad to hear Paw Patrol is making such a strong comeback though, they did try to cancel the show and the franchise in 2020 for shining too positive a light on police.

I’m gonna take a wild guess and assume the Left is still more distraught over that than the porn website on kiddie snacks, but again, a wild guess.

I’m Tomi Lahren and you watch my show “Tomi Lahren is Fearless” at