Extra: A Week Full Of Bad News For President Biden

It was quite a week for the President and his family.

A grand jury in Delaware returned an indictment Thursday against his son, Hunter Biden, on three counts connected to making a false statement about drug use during a firearm purchase.

The historic indictment comes as part of a broader investigation led by special counsel David Weiss into foreign income and potential tax offenses by Hunter.

Concerns over those foreign deals and his father’s possible involvement in them were also the basis for a House impeachment inquiry that was launched against the President earlier this week.

FOX News Sunday Anchor Shannon Bream spoke with the Rundown’s Jared Halpern shortly after Hunter Biden was indicted to break down the charges.

Bream also discussed how his son’s legal problems and the impeachment investigation could hurt President Joe Biden politically at a time when he’s already suffering in the polls.

We made edits for time and thought you might like to hear our entire conversation with FOX News Sunday Anchor Shannon Bream. On today’s FOX News Rundown Extra, you’ll hear even more of Shannon Bream’s analysis of a historic week in politics.