Congress returns to session next week and will have a tall order to handle, avoiding a government shutdown by passing an interim spending bill. House Speaker McCarthy will have to form a coalition of Democrats and Republicans in the House in order to avoid the fiscal cliff.
Nationally syndicated talk show Host, Democratic Strategist, and FOX News Contributor Leslie MarshallChief Political Correspondent for the Washington Examiner and FOX News Contributor Byron York, and FOX News Senior Congressional Correspondent Chad Pergram join to discuss the challenges that Congress will face in their attempt to fund the government and talk about the political price Republicans may pay for a shutdown.
Later, they share their thoughts on the impact that Hurricane Idalia may have on Florida Governor Ron DeSantis’ presidential campaign, and weigh the federal response to the wildfires that caused widespread devastation across Maui.

 Follow Bret on Twitter: @BretBaier