Texas Representative Wesley Hunt (TX-38) returns to Fox Across America With Jimmy Failla to explain why Joe Biden is the worst and most corrupt President we have seen in modern history. The Congressman says he would vote to impeach President Biden.

“This conversation actually is coming up pretty frequently. It’s coming up every day. No one has committed exactly to to actually impeaching Biden quite yet. But I can assure you that if this comes across my desk, sign me up. I am somebody that feels like impeaching Biden actually may rally the left. And this is the worst president that we have seen in modern history get the lowest approval rating in modern history. Kamala Harris has the lowest approval rating for any vice president in the history of this country. And Dick Cheney shot somebody. That’s how bad she is. So I kind of don’t want to give them any arrows to put in their quiver. I want President Trump to run against the lowest approval rated president and vice president in modern history, because that’s going to increase our chances of winning. But I was speaking with President Trump a couple of days ago. You want to know what he said? He said Wesley I get that, but at some point some time, don’t you think he deserves it? And the answer is, yes, he does. This is the most corrupt president we’ve seen since Nixon in modern history. And you know what? He has earned the right to be impeached. I think we should do it. “

ALSO Jimmy throws his support behind Congressman Hunt to make him the next James Bond. To hear that conversation and what else they had to say, listen to the podcast!