FBI + Ukraine + Big Tech

Just when you thought the government, the FBI, and Big Tech couldn’t get anymore slimy, a new report suggests they were keen on censoring posts about Ukraine, too!

I’m Tomi Lahren, find out next.

A new report based on documents subpoenaed by the House Judiciary Committee from Meta and the parent company of Google and YouTube show that the FBI worked with a Ukrainian Intelligence Agency to put pressure on these social media companies to censor and suppress accounts accused of spreading “Russian disinformation.”

Yeah, that’s right, “Russian disinformation” the same thing they labeled Hunter’s VERY REAL laptop.

This House Judiciary report says “authentic accounts of Americans, including a verified US State Department account and those belonging to American journalists” were part of this censorship effort and flagged for social media companies to take down.

And this was a massive operation spanning 5,165 Facebook accounts flagged for moderation!

The report also details that neither the Ukrainian intelligence agency NOR our own FBI provided justification as to why these accounts were flagged and labeled “disinformation.”

This is censorship, pure, simple, and infuriating!

I’m Tomi Lahren and you watch my show “Tomi Lahren is Fearless” at Outkick.com