Adam Curry, former MTV VJ and co host of the No Agenda podcast spoke with Brian Kilmeade about crime spiking around the country and the lack of respect for law enforcement. Curry believes the driving force behind the lack of respect for cops is from Black Lives Matter and how they did a lot more damage than we realize to police morale. Curry who used to live in New York City says that he has friends who do not want to be cops anymore because of the lack of support from their communities and mayors. Curry also discussed the impact COVID had on the medical community prohibiting doctors from speaking out against people like Dr Fauci or prescribe something that didn’t fit mainstream thinking for fear of losing their insurance, licenses, and practices. Curry believes this mechanism used during COVID is also a part of why doctors and therapists are not allowed to push back on prescribing puberty blockers to vulnerable teenagers instead of treating their gender dysphoria issues.

Plus, Adam Curry on why from a business standpoint MTV made the right financial decision moving away from music videos to more reality TV.