Sweetheart Deal for Hunter

Hunter Biden gets a sweetheart deal because in case y’all haven’t figured this one out yet, you now live in a banana republic.

I’m Tomi Lahren, more next.

It only took five years folks, but we now have federal charges against Hunter Biden.

But don’t clap just yet, because in the dictionary next to “sweetheart deal” you’ll see a photo of Hunter.

Federal prosecutors have reached a plea deal with the deadbeat dad after charging him with misdemeanor charges of failing to pay federal income tax, adding up to about $200k.

Then there’s the charge of illegal possession of a firearm while being a cracked out drug offender.

But with this sweetheart plea deal, Hunter will likely not spend a moment in jail and he’s also avoided a trial that would’ve likely birthed a whole lot of info about “The Big Guy.”

How convenient.

It’s also super convenient the Democrats have chosen to really sweep this whole thing under the rug given how much they squawk about “gun safety” and “tax fairness.”

Weird, I haven’t heard them chime in too much on any Biden family member paying their “fair share” of the money they received by shaking down foreign nationals in exchange for favorable policy decisions..”allegedly.”

Smoke, mirrors, and shameless shielding!

I’m Tomi Lahren and you watch my show “Tomi Lahren is Fearless” at Outkick.com