Facebook Censored “Debatable or True” COVID Science

Facebook head honcho Mark Zuckerberg ADMITS that the science “establishment” asked the platform to censor posts about COVID that ended up being “debatable or true.”

Knock me over with a feather!

I’m Tomi Lahren, more next.

Those of us who have been outspoken about COVID tyranny since Week 3 of “2 weeks to flatten the curve,” know darn good and well we were- and likely still are- censored on social media.

But now we have more proof! In a podcast interview Facebook/Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg ADMITTED that the science “establishment” asked him to censor a bunch of content on the platform that ended up being…. Debatable or TRUE!

Zuckerberg went on to say that the waffling on facts and narratives by the “science establishment” also hurt their credibility with the public.

Yeah, no duh!

None of this censorship was about “science” or “public safety,” it was all about control and protecting the COVID narrative.

The acknowledgment of that by social media tycoons is great, but where is the accountability?

Why are social media companies in the business of picking and choosing which narratives to elevate and which to silence?

We deserve an apology, at the very least!

I’m Tomi Lahren and you watch my show “Tomi Lahren is Fearless” at Outkick.com