Donald Trump’s only crime is being a threat to the swamp, the establishment, the status quo and the Marxists on both sides of the aisle working to destroy this great nation.

I’m Tomi Lahren, more next.

Well folks, indictment number two for Donald J Trump.

He now faces 37 counts in a federal indictment related to his handling of classified documents from his tenure as president.

The indictment alleges the documents were stored in a ballroom, bathroom, shower, bedroom and office space at Mar-A-Lago.

If only he would’ve stored those documents in his garage under the same roof as a known crackhead…

Or better yet, had the material stored on a private server in the bathroom before deleting and/or bleach-biting and/or smashing the hell out of said evidence with a hammer..

Then maybe he wouldn’t be in this position. But we all know it has nothing to do with the drummed up “offense” and everything to do with the fact he is a conservative, a patriot, and a Trump.

He is the first former president to face federal charges but if you think he’s gonna tuck tail and cower, well you really don’t know Donald J Trump!

I’m Tomi Lahren and you watch my show “Tomi Lahren is Fearless” at