Joe’s Favorite Flag

Joe Biden uses the White House as a poster board for pride month and manages to denigrate the USA in the process.

I’m Tomi Lahren, more next.

We know the Star Spangled Banner doesn’t mean much to the Democrats these days, but Joe Biden decided to drape a trans/pride flag over the side of the White House In between two American flags, just to make that message clear.

The move was done to once again pander to the radical LGBTQ fraction of the American population that demands their sexual preferences be force-fed down everyone’s throat.

But it is also a violation of the US Flag Code that requires the American flag to be in the center of any display featuring multiple national flags or pennants.

So not only did Joe hold a pride event at the White House, not only did he and does he continually advocate for trans genital mutilation and medication of minors, not only did he proclaim that LGBTQ people are “the bravest and most inspiring people,” but he denigrated the flag of the United States of America- the flag that drapes over caskets of our fallen service members, the flag that represents us all- black white, gay, straight, conservative and Liberal.

These Liberals never cease to amaze me in the worst way possible!

I’m Tomi Lahren and you watch my show “Tomi Lahren is Fearless” at

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