Florida Republican Congressman Byron Donalds joins Fox Across America With Jimmy Failla to shed light on how the Biden administration’s policies have been aimed at incentivizing illegal immigration, making our country woefully unprepared for what’s about to happen once Title 42 expires on Thursday.

“Our southern border is a disaster. But the bigger problem is, number one, young girls are being raped in the journey to our southern border. So like the political Left says how they love women. They don’t care about these migrant women because they are being raped. That is a fact. And number two, it’s completely overwhelmed Border Patrol. You’re bringing all these people into the country all at once. How do you even assimilate them? How do you get them into a place where they can be productive? How do they not just overwhelm the cities that they end up in? And Joe Biden doesn’t care. He has no clue what’s going on down there. Doesn’t care. Even Mayorkas came out yesterday, and he was just like, I don’t have a good answer for why the border is overrun. I’ve got an answer, you jackass. It’s because you’re letting everybody in with no controls. So the cartels are like, cool, we’ll make ten grand ahead. Come on in, baby. The water’s fine.”

Rep. Donalds also explains why he believes President Biden will ultimately have to make a deal with House Speaker Kevin McCarthy and Congressional Republicans over the debt ceiling. To hear what else he had to say, listen to the podcast!