Bud Light So Silent?

Ever since Bud Light decided to make a bio male the latest face of the brand, the company has been noticeably silent across social media..

I wonder why..

I’m Tomi Lahren, more next.

About a week ago Bud Light showed off the company’s new brand ambassador, Dylan Mulvaney- a biological male who dresses up like a teenage girl and mocks everything it means to be a female.

Well..in a not so surprising twist..that move didn’t go over so well with the Bud Light customer base.

And since, the company has been silent on all social media platforms.

Hmmm could this be because they know they messed up?

I’d be willing to bet it was a few activists on the Bud Light marketing team that made the call to do the Dylan Mulvaney push in the first place, and the rest of the company is likely pretty ticked off!

It’s one thing for already woke brands to double down on woke but this move by a beer company was so tone-deaf they ought to pay the price.

What business does a beer brand have pushing gender identity and trans propaganda anyway?

Something tells me they won’t be making that mistake again!

As for me, I’m more of a Miller Lite gal, myself.

I’m Tomi Lahren and you watch my show “Tomi Lahren is Fearless” at Outkick.com