“Depopulate” the Jails?!

LA county wants to “depopulate” their jails and it’s exactly what it sounds like!

“Release the felons”, should be the new Democrat slogan.

I’m Tomi Lahren, more next.

Thugs and felons have to basically beg to be behind bars as it is in California, but now the LA County Board of Supervisors wants to take that up a notch with a new proposal to “depopulate” and “decarcerate” inmates.

This is all under the guise of “prison overcrowding” but it’s actually right in-line with California’s felon coddling priorities.

This proposal would declare the current prison situation to be a “humanitarian crisis” allowing the county to decrease the numbers entering the jails AND release some inmates already there.

Humanitarian crisis?! Since when do the needs and wants of CONVICTED criminals outweigh the needs and wants of not only the victims, but the public safety of the greater LA area!

Well, after an OUTCRY from the public, advocates for this plan have sent it back to the drawing board but if I know California- and I do- it’ll be back!

I’m Tomi Lahren and you watch my show “Tomi Lahren is Fearless” at Outkick.com