There was an INSURRECTION at the Tennessee Capitol last week but apparently, green hairs and gun control activists get a pass!

I’m Tomi Lahren, more next.

Last week 6 Christians were murdered in Nashville by a trans terrorist, but if you listen to the mainstream media you’d think it was the other way around.

The White House along with nearly every mainstream outlet has made this tragedy about trans rights and as a Nashvillian, I am disgusted!

And when the Left isn’t squawking about trans rights, they’re calling for gun infringements.

Late last week a large group of green-hairs bombarded the Tennessee Capitol building in what THEY claim was a peaceful protest against gun rights. WRONG. By the now widely accepted liberal definition coined on January 6th, it was an INSURRECTION.

But do you think the mainstream media cares? Nope. It fits the agenda.

Enough with this. The left’s favorite argument is that they only want to take SOME of your guns, hmmm where have we seen this movie before? Is this kind of like how we just needed two weeks to “flatten the curve?’

Be careful giving up your rights and freedoms. You will likely never get them back.

P.S. you’ll have a better chance of outlawing air in TN than guns!

I’m Tomi Lahren and you watch my show “Tomi Lahren is Fearless” at