CA Finally Ends Masking

California has finally gotten rid of most of its forced face diapering…

Took ya long enough…and they say we are backward in Tennessee where we’ve been breathing air- unabridged- for at least 2 whole years now.

I’m Tomi Lahren, more next.

Folks, California has finally gotten the memo, COVID is over.

The state has alas, rolled back its masked mandate for what Libs deem “high risk indoor settings” such as hospitals, medical offices, long-term care, correctional facilities, homeless shelters, emergency evacuation centers and places designated for cooling and warming stations- whatever the hell that is- will be face diaper optional.

So ya know what that means, most Libs are still gonna wear their precious face masks, alone in their cars. But whatever, to each their own.

In addition to the great unmasking, starting April 3 health care workers will no longer be forced to get the experimental and less-than effective COVID jab.

Again, glad the most progressive state in the nation is still living like it’s 2020.

But Californians beware, Governor Newsom still has a love affair with power so you are far from out of the woods yet!

Get out while you still can! But if you’re a Democrat, please don’t come here.

I’m Tomi Lahren and you watch my show “Tomi Lahren is Fearless” at