Students Raise Money for Janitor Forced Out of Retirement

Texas high schools students raise a quarter million dollars so their 80-year-old janitor could retire.

THIS is the story we needed today.

I’m Tomi Lahren, more next.

The headlines are filled with stories of young people behaving badly but this story out of Texas is a welcome change of pace.

After their 80-year-old janitor “Mr. James” was forced out of retirement due to a rent increase, students at this north Dallas area high school started a TikTok campaign to raise money for his retirement.

The fund for Mr. James is now well over 250,000.

Students said it broke their heart to see an elderly man forced to return to work just to pay his bills and Mr. James is far from the only senior facing this reality.

According to the bureau of labor and statistics, by 2030 the number of Americans 75 and older in the workforce is expected to grow by nearly 97%.

No elderly American should have to work themselves to the grave to afford basic necessities. Our country has failed older generations and out of control inflation is only making matters worse.

But God bless these students for such a kind and inspirational gesture.

I’m Tomi Lahren and you watch my show “Tomi Lahren is Fearless” at