Tennessee Republican Senator Marsha Blackburn joins Fox Across America With guest host Rich Zeoli to share her reaction to FBI Director Christopher Wray saying COVID-19 most likely originated from a lab incident in China.

“They tried to tell us it was a conspiracy theory for those of us that said, hey, you know, there’s this lab in Wuhan and they’re doing coronavirus research, and EcoHealth Alliance is involved in that. Nyad is involved in that. And we hear that they may also be doing some bioweapons research there. Maybe you want to look at this lab and see if it was a leak, whether it was intentional or unintentional. And then, of course, you had three physicians from the lab that died because of this exposure. You had others that say this came from the lab. Our diplomatic scientist had questioned what was happening in that lab. But then you had the World Health Organization in cahoots with the Chinese Communist Party. You had social media, who was really giving voice to whatever Dr. Fauci said was going to be the word of the day on Coronavirus. So the American people were left without somebody to look after them. And getting to the bottom of this, where did this virus come from and what was this all about?”

Senator Blackburn and Rich also discuss how the Justice Department has been weaponized under the leadership of Attorney General Merrick Garland. Listen to the podcast to hear what else she had to say!