Will Joe Biden’s performance- that was largely overshadowed by his wife kissing the Second Dude on the lips- be enough to rally the support of Democrats that’d like to put him out to pasture?

I’m Tomi Lahren, more next.

The State of the Union was this week and aside from First Lady Jill kissing the Seconds Dude on the lips, it was rather lackluster.

Had I watched it on mute with my eyes closed I might’ve been impressed, but sadly I saw and heard it all- including Joe yelling much of it near the top of his lungs.

Joe tried to gaslight us into believing he is a uniter, though he’s spent much of the last 2 years demonizing half the country.

He also tried to convince us he’s a moderate who wants to work with Republicans- which again- is the exact opposite of what he’s done thus far.

But ya know what I didn’t hear in his address? I didn’t hear about 64 gender options or men getting pregnant. He didn’t invite trans TikTokers as guests OR push the experimental vaccine.

Why? Because his team knows that woke crap isn’t palatable for most Americans. He is no doubt getting ready to announce his 2024 re-election bid so he’s back to his old tricks- pretending to be a moderate, a capitalist, and an “average Joe.”

Well Biden voters, he fooled you once, will you allow him to do it again?

I’m Tomi Lahren and you watch my show “Tomi Lahren is Fearless” at