Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) Questions How Biden Brought Home Classified Documents As Senator: ‘How Could He Have Gotten Them Out Of The SCIF?”

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Senator Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) joined the Guy Benson Show to discuss the growing scandal surrounding President Biden’s keeping of classified government documents at his private home and office.

Senator Blackburn questioned how then-Senator Biden was able to get classified documents out of the Senate saying,

“How could this happen? How could he have gotten them out of the SCIF? You can’t. We have a place where we check our telephones, our iPhones, and when we go into the skiff, we don’t take anything in there. And you can’t even wear a watch that, you know, an iPhone or a Apple Watch. Yeah. Into the skiff. So you this is a secured area. So it is very curious to me that he had those documents in his possession for this length of time, that he has obviously moved them from one location to another. The questions around who had access to those, who was in proximity to those? Were they shared with anyone? The list of questions go on and on.”