From Washington: Looking For Answers Before Christmas On Capitol Hill

The White House is insisting they are preparing for the Title 42 expiration but has yet to announce any plans or systems to put in place to handle the thousands of migrants entering the country every day. On the other side of Pennsylvania Avenue, lawmakers push a government shutdown until December 23rd and are drafting a very large spending bill for the new year that will likely have partisan legislation embedded within. With just one week until Christmas, FOX News White House Correspondent Jacqui Heinrich and FOX News Congressional Correspondent Chad Pergram weigh in on all of the answers Americans are waiting for before Christmas on Capitol Hill.
With Arizona Senator Kyrsten Sinema announcing a party switch from Democrat to Independent, many wonder what this means for the state of play in the Senate for 2024. While the switch may cause a stir with the balance of power in Congress, it also raises a larger question for the future of Independent candidates. CEO and President of HighGround Inc. Chuck Coughlin joins to discuss Senator Sinema’s decision to become an Independent, the Republican and Democratic strategy in Arizona for 2024, and how this move could be a bright spot for third-party candidates in the future.