REAL ID Deadline Pushed AGAIN! 

The REAL ID requirement deadline has been extended another 2 years.

That’s all fine and dandy but what about VOTER ID?!

I’m Tomi Lahren, more next.

If you haven’t gotten your REAL ID yet, don’t sweat it, you can put it off another 830 days because the US federal government has once again pushed the deadline and pushed it another 2 years till May of 2025.

The deadline for these ID cards has already been pushed with COVID as an excuse and yet again, the “lingering impacts” of COVID are to blame for this extension.

I think this is a load of BS. We need to maintain a minimum security standard in this country and proving you are who you say you are is a big part of that.

I’ve had it with the nonstop and arbitrary roadblocks placed in the way of identification requirements.

We need REAL IDs, we need VOTER ID, we need to bring national security back as a top priority.

It’s not that hard. It shouldn’t take this long and the deadline shouldn’t keep getting pushed!

Wouldn’t it be nice if the department of homeland security cared about HOMELAND SECURITY again?!

I’m Tomi Lahren and you can listen to all my hot takes at