From Washington: Congress Quashes Rail Strike & Economic Trainwreck

After fears of a potential rail union strike dominated Washington this week, the crisis was averted when Congress intervened using legislation to force a tentative labor agreement. On Friday, President Biden signed the bill into law, preventing what would’ve been an economic trainwreck. The move drew criticism as it forced labor unions to accept an agreement and hindered their ability to strike. FOX News Congressional Correspondent Chad Pergram breaks down the legislation used to end the disputes, French President Emmanuel Macron’s visit to the United States, and tensions within the GOP majority as it prepares for the next Congress.
As temperatures begin to drop, oil, propane, and fossil fuel prices are skyrocketing. Americans are wondering why the cost of natural gases is increasing, how they can be in such high demand and question whether our relationship with Russia is impacting our ability to stay warm inside. Senior Account Executive at The Price Futures Group Phil Flynn answers these questions and warns listeners to break out the heavy parkas and blankets as heating homes may break the bank this winter.