Susan Page On Pelosi Stepping Down, Jeffries Stepping Up & McCarthy’s Fight To Become Speaker

Susan Page, Washington Bureau chief of USA TODAY and author of “Madam Speaker: Nancy Pelosi and the Lessons of Power“, tells Brian Kilmeade she wasn’t surprised Pelosi stepped back from being Speaker of the House, however, Page is surprised Pelosi decided to stay in the House while not in the top position. Page believes Hakeem Jeffries will replace Pelosi as leader of the Democrats in the House. For the Republicans, Page thinks there could be a fight over electing Kevin McCarthy Speaker of the House. Page says if just 5 Republicans defect and cost McCarthy from getting 218 votes, that means it goes back to the Republican caucus to figure out what to do next. Page also discussed how President Biden’s popularity has surged among Democrats after the mid-terms and Donald Trump took a hit among republicans, though Page points out Trump is still more popular among Republicans than Biden is among Democrats.

Plus, Page on potential democrat presidential candidates if President Biden does not run for re-election.