US Men’s Soccer Replaces RED WHITE AND BLUE with PRIDE Flag

The US Men’s Soccer team has stripped the red, white and blue from its logo and replaced it with a rainbow.

Wow, is patriotism for the country you represent really so hard?!

I’m Tomi Lahren, more next.

The US Men’s Soccer Team has redesigned the logo crest on its uniforms heading into the 2022 World Cup in Qatar.

Instead of the red, white, and blue- ya know OUR NATIONAL COLORS- the crest will instead have a rainbow in support and solidarity with the LGBTQ community.

The team says it made this change in protest of Qatar’s criminalization of homosexuality and that’s fine to take a stand, but to replace our colors with LGBTQ paraphernalia is just too much and a slap in the face to the country this team is SUPPOSED to represent.

I get wanting to send a message of support to the gay community and I get wanting to send that message on the world stage, but did they have to ALL OUT exchange national pride for gay pride?

Qatar does have a bad human right’s record and it’s questionable the World Cup is hosted there but that doesn’t mean that all things USA should be on the chopping block. What the heck did the USA do?!

Leave the logo and protest in some other way. You still REPRESENT the RED WHITE AND BLUE!

I’m Tomi Lahren and you can listen to all of my hot takes at