Rep. Andy Biggs: Trump Should Hold Off On His 2024 Announcement

Arizona Republican Congressman Andy Biggs joins Fox Across America With Jimmy Failla to explain why he believes it would be prudent for former President Trump to delay his expected 2024 presidential campaign announcement next week.

“I would want to hold off a little bit just because I think it’s not the most propitious time for a lot of reasons, not the least of which, there’s going to be this thing going on with the leadership and the voting in the House of Representatives on the same day. And, you know, if he’s getting in, which I think is, then he wants to make the biggest splash. And the biggest splash might get offset a little bit by whatever goes on in the House of Representatives that day.”

Plus, Rep. Biggs tells Jimmy about the forum on House and GOP Conference rules for the 118th Congress that he is going to participate in next week. Listen to the podcast to hear what else he had to say!