Rep. James Comer: Republicans Didn’t Beat The Line But We Won The Game

Kentucky Republican Congressman James Comer joins Fox Across America With guest host Paul Gleiser to shed light on some of the positive things to look forward to next year following an underwhelming performance by his party  in the midterm elections.

“We’re going to have a majority. We’re going to have subpoena power. We’re going to be able to start holding this administration accountable, and we’re going to be able to put the brakes on the Biden liberal agenda. So that’s a positive. I think we all were expecting a better night based primarily not just on polling, but on the fact that this Biden administration and this complete Democrat rule has been a debacle. So I don’t know why we didn’t win some more seats. I thought there were some really close races out there that we narrowly lost. You know, in the Senate they had a little better luck in Wisconsin and some of these close races they squeaked through and won. But it is frustrating that more people didn’t turn out and vote.”

Rep. Comer also talks about how Republican candidates could have come up with better messaging on certain issues, particularly abortion. Listen to the podcast to hear what else he had to say!