Voters Set To Decide America’s Direction

With 435 seats in Congress and 34 seats in the Senate up for grabs, Americans will cast their ballots tonight to determine the country’s balance of power. While President Biden traveled across the country to campaign for Democratic candidates, Republicans campaigned on key issues, hoping to go from the minority to the majority. America’s Newsroom Co-Host Bill Hemmer will be part of FOX’s Democracy 2022 Election Night coverage. He joins the Rundown to discuss what trends he’ll be watching out for in key House and Senate races.

After Americans cast their ballots and polls close, the attention turns to the news organizations who will closely follow these races for projections and race calls. The Fox News Decision Desk is in charge of making official race calls and has been preparing for this election night for over two years. FOX News Decision Desk Director Arnon Mishkin joins the Rundown to explain the methodology behind the creation of the network’s esteemed election analysis tool, the Fox News Voter Analysis. He breaks down why exit polling may be an outdated tool for measuring national trends and he shares how soon Americans could expect to hear results after polls close.

Plus, commentary by host of ‘The Ben Domenech Podcast,’ Ben Domenech.