All Eyes on AZ

The third party Senate candidate in Arizona has dropped out and now backs Republican Blake Masters.

All eyes on the Grand Canyon state as we are less than a week away from what I hope will be RED tide Tuesday!

I’m Tomi Lahren, more next.

Arizona is a purple state that’s garnered a whole lot of the nation’s attention this midterm season, and for good reason.

Not only is Arizona a battleground state, it’s ground zero for a top election concern- our overrun border.

The race to save Arizona and add a Republican to the Senate count is getting a bit of help now that Libertarian candidate Marc Victors has dropped out and endorsed the GOP’s Blake Masters.

Now Victors only had about 3% support but in a race this tight between Masters and Democrat Mark Kelly, every percentage point counts.

Arizona is one of 4 nationwide races that will determine which party controls the senate, and just how much of our country we can get back from the radical and tyrannical LEFT!

See you next Tuesday! It’s go time!

I’m Tomi Lahren and you can listen to all of my hot takes at