Twitter Exodus 

Now that Elon Musk owns Twitter and vows to make it a free speech platform for all, Left wing celebrities are logging off…to which we all say, “don’t let the virtual door hit you on the way out!”

I’m Tomi Lahren, more next.

Liberals are offended by everything but namely: hard work, basic hygiene, the American flag and of course, free speech from people they don’t like.

Which is why certain celebrities are leaving Twitter now the Elon Musk is not only in charge, but returning the platform to a more level-playing field.

Shonda Rhimes, Rob Reiner, Sara Bareilles, and Toni Braxton have threatened to log off the Blue Bird and if those names don’t sound super familiar it’s because they haven’t been super relevant in 5 plus years.

Either way, they won’t be missed.

Let’s keep in mind that Elon Musk did not vow to make Twitter a conservative platform friendly to only right wing voices, he just vowed to make it more even, balanced and fair.

If that offends these washed up celebrities, that tells you everything you need to know!

They can’t handle the truth, they liked Twitter as a one-sided echo chamber and they are pouting because now they might have to see and read things they don’t like!

The horror!

Log off and cry me a river, Liberals!

I’m Tomi Lahren and you can listen to all of my hot takes at