Adam Laxalt: Cortez Masto Is A Rubber Stamp For Biden

Listen To The Full Interview Below:

Adam Laxalt, Nevada Republican Candidate for US Senate & Former Nevada Attorney General joined the Guy Benson Show to give an update on his campaign for Senate in Nevada as the race shifts momentum in his favor.

Laxalt took aim at his liberal opponent by saying,

“Well, it’s amazing to be on the trail and actually experience just how far these Democrats will go to paper over their record. I mean, they absolutely run as moderates and centrists, but she cannot run away from her record. As I like to remind people, her vote on the Inflation Reduction Act, of course I put that in quotes, wasn’t even up for debate. She’s a guaranteed in-the-bank vote for Joe Biden every time he needs or any time he wants to push transformational legislation on our state and on America. She’s right there 100%. She’s voted for all the financial bills, all the spending, the border stuff, the law and order issues, everything. So that’s our main our main thing is this. Don’t be deceived about it with all the money and all the lies. She is a rubber stamp for Biden.