How Inflation Is “Killing Middle The Class”

Inflation has been a major challenge that the Biden administration has been working to overcome yet financial experts at the recent Jackson Hole Economic Symposium agree inflationary pressure is going nowhere soon. Republicans have been criticizing President Biden’s loan forgiveness announcement, arguing that this will only worsen inflationary struggles. Following the stock market plunge on Friday, the Fed has indicated that it would raise interest rates in order to combat rising prices. Former Trump Economic Adviser and economist at the Heritage Foundation Stephen Moore joins the Rundown to discuss how these measures will be impacting American families, why student loans won’t make college more affordable and whether or not inflation will be stabilized any time soon.

During the height of the pandemic, many looked to the Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Dr. Anthony Fauci for leadership on public health information and safety measures. After working for seven different administrations and managing federal responses to various viruses and epidemics, Dr. Fauci has announced plans to retire from government service come December 2022. Biden administration Chief Medical Adviser Dr. Anthony Fauci joins the Rundown to defend his legacy in public health service, respond to GOP calls for oversight on his pandemic guidance, and explain what the future holds for the country regarding COVID-19.

Plus, commentary by Opinion Editor for The Washington Times Charlie Hurt.