Bill Melugin On Relentless Flow Of Illegal Migrants At Southern Border: ‘It Is Just Massive Group After Massive Group’

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Bill Melugin, National correspondent for Fox News joined the Guy Benson Show to report on the massive groups of hundreds of illegal migrants attempting to enter the United States at the southern border.

Melugin described the scenes at the border by saying,

I’d say these last 48 to 72 hours in Eagle Pass have been some of the most remarkable we’ve seen during our border coverage. It is just massive group after massive group after massive group nonstop. All day long. You’ll have a group of 400. Then an hour later, a group of 300 minutes later, a group of 250, then another group of 200, then another group of 200, then a couple of groups of 100. And that’s you’re into the mid afternoon that doesn’t even count for the evening yet.”

Melugin described the mood of Texas border officials over NYC Mayor Eric Adam’s criticisms of Texas transporting migrants to democrat cities saying,

Texas officials, I can tell you, are getting very pissed off with what Mayor Adams has been saying, implying that migrants are being forced onto the busses for 45 hours and they have no water or food. They say that is absolutely not true. They actually let us onto their busses exclusively today to show us what they’re stocked with, all the water, with the food, they say the migrants, they showed us the waivers, the migrant sign. They get to pick which city they want to go to. And I’d say right now, Governor Abbott’s strategy here is working because he’s kind of pulled back the curtain on these sanctuary cities.”