Dana Perino’s Complete Conversation With Sen. Tim Scott

South Carolina Senator Tim Scott has been a star in the Republican party for years.

His efforts to address America’s polarization and find bipartisan compromises on key issues has earned him the respect from his colleagues on both sides of the aisles.

Recently, FOX News’ Dana Perino guest hosted a special segment of the FOX News Rundown and spoke with Senator Scott.

The two discussed his humble beginnings in South Carolina, the people who helped him in times of need, and his path to the U.S. Senate.

Scott, who just released his latest book, America: A Redemption Story,” spoke candidly to Dana about his past, his concerns about the current state of the country and his future ambitions.

Due to time limitations, we could not include all of the conversations in our original segment. On the FOX News Rundown Extra, you will hear Dana Perino’s entire complete interview with Senator Tim Scott and hear a lot more about his perspective on America and why he remains optimistic.