Rep. Mayra Flores: The Democratic Party Would Rather Focus On The Term Latinx Than The Crisis At Our Southern Border

Texas Republican Congresswoman Mayra Flores joins Fox Across America With Jimmy Failla to explain how the Biden administration’s botched handling of the situation at the U.S. Southern border is hurting immigrants looking to come here legally in search of a better life.

“He’s encouraging people to come here illegally with his policies, knowing that they’re going to be going through a dangerous journey and women and children are going to be going through abuse, children put into child sex trafficking. He knows these things, but doesn’t care. I want more little girls like me to be able to come here to the United States legally and not have to go through that dangerous journey. And so my focus is legal immigration. I believe that we need to focus and improve the process so more good people are able to come here to the United States to work hard for the American dream. But the Democrat Party wants people, want immigrants to go through that dangerous journey. And it makes you wonder, why? Why would they be wanting people to go through that dangerous journey, knowing that criminal organizations are becoming more and more powerful? But they need to come to South Texas themselves to come and see the mess that they’ve created. And they refuse to. They want to focus on Latinx nonsense. By the way, we’re Latinos, not Latinx. It’s just insane.”

Plus, Rep. Flores reacts to First Lady Jill Biden’s bizarre remark comparing Latinos to breakfast tacos. To hear what else she had to say, listen to the podcast!