San Fran Felon-Coddling DA Ousted!

San Francisco’s soft on crime DA is ousted in a recall election.

Does this signal the beginning of the end for rampant lawlessness and the politicians who enable it?

I’m Tomi Lahren, more next.

In Tuesday’s landmark recall election, voters in San Francisco did what every constituent in a lawless district should emulate and got rid of their liberal felon-coddling DA Chesa Boudin!

60% supported the recall and since San Fran is no bastion of conservatism, does this mean even Democrats have a limit to how many small-and-grabs, robberies, break-ins, shootings, public drug overdoses and felon-coddling policies they are willing to endure?

Let’s hope so!

Americans want to feel safe in their cities and we are fed up with politicians and leaders who aid and abet lawlessness with their felon-friendly attitudes and policies!

Boudin is the first San Francisco DA to be recalled and if it can happen in the ultra liberal Bay Area in deep blue California, it can happen anywhere and it SHOULD!

Perhaps LA’s George Gascon will be next!

I’m Tomi Lahren and you can listen to all of my hot takes at