Rep. Greg Steube: The Far Left’s Control Over Biden Is Why He Won’t Change His Position On Domestic Oil Production

Florida Republican Congressman Greg Steube joins Fox Across America With Jimmy Failla to explain why President Biden and other Democrats would rather import oil from countries like Iran and Saudi Arabia than produce it domestically.

“They know that the price of gas is hurting them at the ballot box right now. And if the elections were today, they would just get absolutely crushed. So they know that’s an issue that is hurting them, but they can’t come to a position where they see the safety and security of the American people of producing oil and natural gas domestically is a good thing. Because they’re so driven by the progressive Left, Green New Deal, far Left part of their party,they can’t bring themselves to go back on the things that |Biden’s| done domestically to kill our domestic production of energy. And now he can’t get it from the Russians, so they’re willing to do this deal with the Iranians because they’re so desperate to get oil into this country because they don’t want to produce it here because they’re so run by the far Left Green New Deal, AOC’s of their party.”

Rep. Steube also brings attention to the issues with the Biden administration’s willingness to negotiate with Iran on a deal that could potentially give them nuclear capabilities.

Later, comedian Dave Landau stops by to comment on students at Yale Law School threatening two guest speakers during a free speech event. Plus, he and Jimmy discuss why progressives have turned on Bill Maher.

To hear what else Rep. Steube and Dave had to say, listen to the podcast!