David McCormick On Energy Crisis & Russia: “We Have To Show Strength”

As the war in Ukraine persists, many Americans are dissatisfied with the way the Biden administration has handled international tensions.  Republicans are hopeful that these growing frustrations could be the key to taking back the Senate in the midterm elections this year. Dave McCormick is one of the GOP frontrunners in the Pennsylvania Senate race. He joins to discuss his platform and unique qualifications, the issues he sees with President Biden’s energy policies, and his view on how we should be handling the situation in Ukraine.

As NATO countries across the globe rebuked Russian President Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine, public approval for him surged among Russian citizens. While public opinion appears to be on the Russian President’s side in his nation, many believe it’s the result of widespread misinformation from Russian state media and fear of retribution from the government. President and CEO of the Center for European Policy Analysis, Dr. Alina Polyakova breaks down how Russia has cracked down on independent media amid their invasion of Ukraine. Later, Lev Tripolsky, who left the Soviet Union during the Carter administration, relays the fear and anxiety he is hearing from citizens in Russia now eager to leave.

Plus, commentary by Democratic strategist and former Biden campaign surrogate Kevin Walling.