State of the Union Address Comes Amid Raging War

President Biden faces a difficult task ahead of his State of the Union address Tuesday night, where he must explain to Americans why the state of the U.S. is strong amid continuing war abroad with the Russian invasion of Ukraine. The domestic picture is not ideal for the Biden administration either, as Americans feel the pain of inflation at the grocery store and gas pump. Former White House speechwriter and Fox News Contributor Marc Thiessen explains why President Biden must send a strong message of support for the people of Ukraine, what rhetorical mistakes the President could make in his State of the Union addresses, and the difficult job ahead for Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds, who is delivering the GOP rebuttal speech.

The stakes are high for President Biden as he places the finishing touches on his State of the Union address. The President’s approval ratings have decreased to under 40% with Americans frustrated by surging inflation prices and his handling of the Covid-19 pandemic. However, Democrats are hopeful that President Biden’s relationships with European allies amid Russia’s invasion of Ukraine will be enough for him to change minds with his speech. Former Democratic Tennessee Congressman and FOX News contributor Harold Ford Jr. joins the Rundown to preview tonight’s speech and discuss President Biden’s dealing with Covid, record-high inflation, and his response to the Ukraine crisis.

Plus, commentary by National Security Expert, Dr. Rebecca Grant.