Democrats Face Difficult Midterm Prospects

President Biden’s approval rating continues to drop as rising inflation levels, heightened crime rates, and COVID-19 frustration remain prominent worries for millions of Americans. As we look forward to the 2022 midterm election, experts are discussing how these issues could become the driving force behind the Democrats’ losing control of the Senate in November. Co-Founder and President of RealClearPolitics Tom Bevan joins to discuss how the issues facing Americans will impact voters in November, what Republicans are doing to secure success in the midterms, and how the Biden administration could shift tactics to address voters’ concerns.

Justice Stephen Breyer’s pending retirement means someone new will likely be on bench this fall to hear a pair of cases that could change or end the use of race-based affirmative action in college admissions. The Supreme Court has ruled narrowly in favor of upholding Affirmative action in the past, but with its six-justice conservative majority hearing the arguments this time, some significant changes to college admission systems could be coming.  Jonathan Turley, a George Washington University Law Professor, a Supreme Court and Constitutional scholar, and FOX News Contributor, breaks down the arguments for both sides, what Courts have ruled in the past and what some of the potential outcomes could be.

Plus, commentary by former Rep. Jason Chaffetz, host of the Jason in the House podcast.