(AP Photo/Richard Drew, File)

Former Governor of New York, George Pataki, spoke to Brian Kilmeade about the resignation of Governor Andrew Cuomo. Pataki said the handwriting was on the wall but even in his resignation his comments were unapologetic and didn’t acknowledge responsibility. Pataki said Cuomo acted as if he were the victim of a political witch-hunt. Pataki strongly feels that despite Cuomo’s resignation the nursing home investigation must continue in order to find out what was behind the order leading to the unnecessary elderly deaths. When asked if Andrew Cuomo is plotting a comeback, Pataki said he can see it happening and pointed to Anthony Weiner who was convicted of a felony and ran for office. On Lt Governor Kathy Hochul taking over, Pataki feels we should give her a chance. Pataki said she needs to hit the ground running to address the economic and tax crisis along with crime, the mentally ill and homelessness.

Plus, Pataki weighs in on whether the Governor Mario M. Cuomo Bridge name should be changed.