Ben Domenech: Adam Kinzinger Is “Quite Dumb” & “A Fake Participant” On The Jan. 6 Panel

On Fox Across America with Jimmy Failla, Fox News Contributor Ben Domenech calls Rep. Adam Kinzinger (R-IL) “politically dumb” and thinks he should have not taken a spot on Nancy Pelosi’s Jan. 6th Commission.

I don’t mean to speak ill of the mentally ill, but I do think that he actually is quite dumb and I think he’s dumb politically. And I want to say I’ve thought that for a long time, even before all the things that have happened during the past year and a half. Frankly, the decisions that he has made and Liz Cheney has made have resulted in them having far less power than they could have had in navigating this moment. We all know that there are people within the Republican Party who didn’t like Donald Trump, who wanted to sort of take the party to a reset point in the wake of 2020. But if you’re going to try to do that, you have to be thoughtful about it, strategic about it. You have to work behind the scenes and that kind of thing. Instead, you end up in a situation where Kinzinger and Cheney left themselves out on an island. If Cheney had raised money and had not been critical in so many ways of her own party members with such regularity, then I don’t think that she would be in line to basically head to a CNN contract after this next election. But I think in Kinzinger’s case, to go and allow every Republican to dismiss him as irrelevant by joining this commission is just completely stupid and wrongheaded. Nobody thinks that this is a real thing. They don’t take it seriously. They don’t think it’s credible.”

“But I actually think she would have been a lot better off having Jim Banks on there, having Jim Jordan on there, because their presence would have been something she could point to and say, we didn’t just have, Adam Kinzinger on. We didn’t just throw a sort of fake participant in there. We put people on who could be critical. And so now you should respect the results of our commission more. Instead, she does the dumb thing, Kinzinger does a dumb thing, and they can go and be dumb together.”