Darrin Porcher: There’s A Lot Of Statements But Not Execution For Local Police Assistance From Washington

On Fox Across America with Jimmy Failla, former NYPD Lt. Dr. Darrin Porcher explains why President Biden’s reported plan to take on crime across the country doesn’t give local police departments what the need to uphold the law.

“You need to have a targeted enforcement agenda and then focus on flushing in money from the federal government, more so specific to a number of police officers and resources to eradicate the problems of crime that have plagued in the United States. That’s what the federal government comes into play, because traditionally, I want to say the overwhelming majority of all crime that occurs in the United States is handled by localized police departments, LAPD, Chicago PD, et cetera. What the federal government can do, so specifically Joe Biden, is he can create an edict and state that, look, I’m giving you guys, let’s say ten dollars million, but with this ten dollars million, the focus needs to be on omnipresence, technological innovations. It can’t go in any other direction. And that’s how you can assist on a localized level of policing. I don’t hear that coming from Washington. I hear a lot of statements and not a lot of execution. This defund the police, this reorganization of police is not really what the platform is that’s necessary to get it done. You need to have that targeted enforcement component. And it’s not coming from D.C. the way it should.”