Rep. Kevin Brady (R-TX) Gives An Update On The Border Crisis

Congressman Kevin Brady of Texas, the top Republican on the House Ways and Means Committee joined Fox News Radio’s Guy Benson Show to give an update on the crisis at the southern border.

Congressman Kevin Brady said,

“Well, I wish Guy, I wish everyone could have been with me earlier this week, I and other members of the Texas Republican delegation who were at the border in McAllen, we toured the temporary placement center in Donna and met with the Coast Guard and Drug Enforcement Agency as well. One, when you when you tour these centers, your heartbroken in that the number of children there and so young. I was playing with a one year old baby who had literally been handed over to Border Patrol with a name and a little information, and then they walked away. It is just they are jammed in there at 20 times the capacity, 20 times the capacity.”

Listen To The Full Interview Below: