President Biden will hold his first press conference today, more than two months after taking office. President Clinton waited just nine days, 20 days for President Obama and 27 days for former President Trump. Ari Fleischer, former White House Press Secretary and current FOX News Contributor gives a preview of President Biden’s press conference, what it was like prepping former President George W. Bush for his first press conference and how he thinks President Biden will do.

Two Democrat Governors from opposite coasts are facing a lot of backlash from voters. California Governor Gavin Newsom is being recalled in his state over the coronavirus lockdown restrictions. New York Governor Andrew Cuomo is being asked to resign following multiple sexual harassment allegations and his handling of nursing homes during the COVID-19 pandemic. Former California Governor Gray Davis was recalled in 2003 and has worked with both governors. He joins the “Rundown’ to weigh in on the governors’ handling of the pandemic and what he has learned from being recalled himself.

Plus, commentary by former Rep.  Jason Chaffetz (R-UT).