Rep. Claudia Tenney (R-NY): Gov. Cuomo Is “Like A Cornered Animal Right Now”

On Fox Across America with Jimmy Failla, Rep. Claudia Tenney (R-NY) reacted to Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s press conference in which he said he would not resign and criticized Democrats who thought he should do so.

“I would say that he’s like a cornered animal right now. I think, my guess, just as a former member of the New York State Assembly and understanding how the sociopathic nature that Andrew Cuomo is, I think he’s trying to look for a deal or some way to get out of this thing right now, because the last thing he wants is to be impeached. And the ultimate hypocrisy is for him to sit there and say, well, this is cancel culture. I like if this were a Republican, they would have been forced to resign already. And people have resigned over less.”

“He still has a lot of power. He exerts power. He abused his power. He’s aggressive. You know, that’s what he does. And I think right now he’s probably just thinking, you know what? How much more time do I need to buy, to walk out of this gracefully? He certainly doesn’t want to get impeached. Because right now, if you get 76 votes in the Assembly and the Speaker allows the articles to come to the floor, they’ll all vote for it. You’ll get all the Republicans and all you need is the rest of the Democrats and that’s over. And then it’ll go to the Senate. I’m sure at that point it’s going to be the Democrats have just a massive majority in both houses of the assembly or the legislature now.”