Janice Dean Responds To Gov. Cuomo’s Spox Obnoxious Comment “They Know Who I Am, And I’m Getting Under Their Skin”

Listen To The Full Interview Below:

On Fox News Radio’s Guy Benson Show, Janice Dean, Senior Meteorologist for Fox News Channel spoke about the failures of NYC’s COVID vaccine rollout and criticism she received from a spokesman of Gov. Andrew Cuomo.

Janice Dean said,

“The fact that they issued that snide remark to a publication just means they know who I am and I am getting under their skin. And, you know, enough people in the know and who know him and his administration for that to happen. You know, it’s pretty significant.”

Guy’s Tweet:

She added,

“I fear that is all of this for naught. And and that’s that’s the part that that that really gets to me, is I’m speaking on behalf of people that don’t have voices. Right. And and I feel it’s a calling and I’ll do it as long as I can. But I’m hoping that there’s a chorus, you know. Yesterday, when you tweeted that out, all those people that retweeted and said, we’ve got your back, you know, that was the first time I felt like maybe maybe someone is listening.”

Read Janice’s Oped:
Janice Dean: COVID vaccine distribution botched by Cuomo – why wasn’t New York’s governor more prepared?