Benson Monologue: Newsroom Revolts After Ben Shapiro Guest-Writes Newsletter

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On Today’s Guy Benson Show, Guy gave a fiery opening monologue on the firestorm over Conservative writer Ben Schapiro guest writing a newsletter.

Guy Benson said,

“The story is Politico, the news organization, they’ve got this newsletter called The Politico Playbook. It’s fairly widely read. It’s got a lot of influential people who subscribe and read it every morning. And they are transitioning. The team of who’s running playbook, and they just announced today who’s on the team and, you know, congratulations to them for getting the gig. In the meantime, they’ve been having guest bloggers, guest writers. And one of them yesterday was Ben Shapiro. And this cause an absolutely enormous firestorm among journalists on the blue checkmark left, people were very, very angry, especially people who work at Politico.”

Guy also added,

“They had to hold basically a group therapy session. For the NEWSROOM, these are journalists. Right. These are people who are supposed to be unbiased down the middle, nonpartisan, nonideological, truth telling, fact finding journalists that supposedly the job. But because Ben Shapiro was given a platform, they had a meltdown and they had this struggle session where they had like two hundred and fifty employees, all in a on a conference call to air their grievances. So. The good news is Politico so far has not caved.”

“And by the way, the day before that, it was Chris Hayes from MSNBC. I know Chris a little bit w’ere friendly. Chris says some very vitriolic, nasty stuff sometimes, including blaming one of our guests yesterday, Josh Holmes and his former boss, Mitch McConnell, saying that they’ve got blood on their hands because of covid and they sort of delight in people dying from covid because they got their tax cuts. It’s a very, very ugly thing to say. And he said it. There was no mass freakout when Chris Hayes with very sharp elbows, who is probably about as far left as Ben is right. There was no freak out collectively about Chris Hayes, guest hosting, guest blogging, whatever you want to call it. Playbook, but Ben well, extremist, dangerous, scary.”