Mollie Hemingway On What It Was Like On The Ground At The ‘Million MAGA March’

Mollie Hemingway Senior Editor at The Federalist, Fox News Contributor & Co-Author of Justice on Trial spoke with Fox News Radio’s Guy Benson about what it was like on the ground reporting from the ‘Million MAGA March’ in Washington D.C this past weekend. Hemingway described the peaceful march made up of pro-President Trump supporters and shed light on the violent clashes provoked by counter protesters.

“I think that’s that there are two separate stories. One is the absolutely massive million MAGA March, whatever they’re calling it, rally that I think went off pretty seamlessly with just massive amounts of people, a lot of people from just the local area. Most everyone I met was from Northern Virginia here, Maryland. You know, they were kind of close in people and some people from some further out than that. Second story is as night fell, violence erupted in the city. This is something that’s been going on not just in Washington, D.C., but cities throughout the country throughout the summer and the fall. And the media have kind of chosen not to cover it. They also get mad at the people who do cover it. So if they cover it, they criticize how they’re presenting that information about these about people violently attacking either Trump supporters or even just people eating dinner at a restaurant or whatnot.”

Hemingway said.

Listen To The Full Interview Below:

Tweets From Mollie’s Twitter Over The Weekend: